austin plaine, “fangs”

austin plaine, “fangs”

Head to the most peaceful place you can think of and press play on Austin Plaine’s new release, “Fangs”.  The track is Plaine trying to bring light to somebody who has been through many gray days.  While the first verse focuses on describing the pain and the steps it takes to get to such a dark place, the second verse offers a more optimistic outlook.  The chorus depicts the need to just sometimes scream at the universe and beg for answers.  By the end, you are hopefully left with some hope about how to carry on in spite of the dark clouds that tend to loom.

“Fangs” creates a special musical moment that feels personal.  The lyrics alone are enough to create a personal connection between artist and listener.  With a simple guitar, a bit of piano, and just the right amount of percussion, Plaine gives the green light to be fully immersed.  Just don’t forget to let out a yell to the universe, asking what it all means. Of the writing process, Plaine admits:

I had ‘You’ve been showing off your fangs, God save the Queen’ as the opening line and it immediately created this visual of a troubled girl questioning suicide and the mental state she can’t escape from. I’ve had some dark moments and it is painful to watch someone else go through depression when you yourself know how heavy it can weigh.