yuto., “apple & peach” ft. boy soda

yuto., “apple & peach” ft. boy soda

If you’re a fruitarian or otherwise obsessed with all things sweet, Australian duo Yuto.’s new track “Apple & Peach” will appeal not only to your eardrums, but to your tastebuds. The song itself is smooth as honey, the rhythm something that makes you want to both bounce and just sit completely still, perhaps being a fly on the wall in a club somewhere. (Don’t act like you can’t envision a really awesome, slow-motion music video to this track.) Collaborating with BOY SODA for a second time was the right move, as this track wouldn’t feel complete without his emphatic vocals.

Check out the track below. Add it to your playlists. It’s going to put you in the right mind this Monday.

Keep up with Yuto. here.