Having DC-based bands Pretty Bitter and Flowerbomb join forces together on a project weirdly makes sense, which is why their split EP Take Me Out was so exciting to listen to. I’ve written about Pretty Bitter before (here, in a review of their single from January, “Roadkill”), and listening to a handful of Flowerbomb’s songs showed a lot of similarities between both bands, in terms of music and lyrics. Each has an indie sound rooted in throwback alternative rock trends, with obvious influences from grunge and shoegaze. Their songwriting focuses on raw, personal lyricism that draws on the backgrounds and experiences of their members, and the chemistry between each performer in the band is clear in every song or show.

Evan Weiss handled the production of the EP, which is comprised of five songs. It has two original songs from each band and a closer written and performed by both. As Take Me Out starts, it’s apparent that the tracklist was ordered so the songs complement each other. “Never Better” by Pretty Bitter and “Nothing to do with me” by Flowerbomb, the first two songs respectively, have obvious musical similarities and play to the strengths of both artists. Both are mid-tempo rock songs that, through careful production and mixing, have a focus on vocals and lyricism without sacrificing the abrasive guitar playing both bands frequently use. They’re both hugely enjoyable, with “Never Better” functioning as an almost new-wavey rock song, and “Nothing to do with me” being more rhythmic and focused on hard-rock riffs.

As the EP continues, the next pair of songs allows each band to experiment with some interesting genre pairings and new ideas. “youbuiltafinelife” by Pretty Bitter is a buffet of great musical textures, with the highlights being the funky bass playing and the hazy, dreamy atmosphere that comes through the production and keyboard effects. It’s slightly different for Pretty Bitter while still representing their sound. “I Always Knew” by Flowerbomb also combines a lot of ideas, working as a slow-burn indie rock song with grungy guitar distortions and bits of glittery synths. The EP closes on a track both bands worked on together, the title track “Take Me Out”. It’s the most unexpected musical diversion of the whole EP, with a jaunty, folky twang and featuring great steel pedal guitar playing. Both vocalists duet with each other, and they provide a good contrast with Mel Bleker’s soft and sweet vocals against Rachel Kline’s more gruff and dynamic singing. While it may not represent each band particularly well, it’s more emblematic of two groups of talented musicians having fun and creating art for their own sake.

Take Me Out is a hugely enjoyable diversion for both bands and makes one hope for more collaborations between the two in the future. Each group gets the chance to have the spotlight, as well as experiment and try new sounds that may not have fit on another release. Both Pretty Bitter and Flowerbomb recently performed together earlier this month at the Black Cat in DC with no more joint shows currently planned, though it would be shocking if the two didn’t cross paths again soon enough.

Tyler Mandell