shockpowder, “airy”

shockpowder, “airy”

Today, post-metal trio Shockpowder – expertly comprised of Joshua Scurfield (guitar/vocals), Alasdair Spence (bass), and Louie Watson (drums) – releases their latest track “Airy”. The track blends their normal grungier sound with a sound that is very much reflective of its title, opening with a lighter, more feel-good sound that then layers in some rougher, heavy-hitting instrumentals. It’s a dichotomy that translates gorgeously, and we’re big, big fans.

Keep up with Shockpowder here.

spencer ludwig, “just wanna dance” (lefti remix)

spencer ludwig, “just wanna dance” (lefti remix)

Los Angeles based funk-infused soul-pop creator Spencer Ludwig has had quite the year with new music releases. Today, we’ve got the exclusive streaming premiere of the LEFTI remix of his track “Just Wanna Dance”. Though the original track is pure bliss, the updated version gives us all the good vibes, staccato instrumentals and all. Though the track is largely electronic, there is an ethereal feeling to it all, induced by Ludwig’s smooth as honey vocals. The best part about it? It came about due to a sense of community, which is everything and more for a dance track!

I feel a kindred spirit to my friend LEFTI since we both shared the experience of being in a popular indie-pop band (LEFTI was the bass player in Cobra Starship) around the same time and also for deciding to break off and do our own thing around the same time. We’re also neighbors in Brooklyn! The NY music scene is small and I’m a big fan of LEFTI and of collaborating with NY artists in general. This remix foreshadows a collaboration between LEFTI and me called “Every Time”, which comes out in early 2019. It’s really just to give you a taste of what’s to come!

Get yourself in the mood for a spectacular weekend below!

Keep up with Spencer Ludwig here.

novo amor, birthplace

novo amor, birthplace

Alternative musician Novo Amor may have written and recorded the entirety of his new album in his home studio in Whales, but the sound is so polished and ethereal in its disposition that you would think it came to be in a garden somewhere. Beginning with tranquil, tone-setting track “Emigrate”, the album slowly layers in like a delectable dream sequence. “Birthplace” brings in more staccato notes – invoking a sense of excitement during parts of the song – and percussion that will change the rate of your heartbeat. “Utican” can be described as nothing if not as a freeing, energetic anthem, while “Seneca” dances delicately along the edges of your shoulders, as if to wrap you in an other-worldly hug.

“Anniversary” is largely instrumental, ushering in an energy and sound that feels like everyone you know is singing along. “13494” follows a similar feel to its predecessor, though darker in tone in a way that makes the track feel more robust. “State Lines” falls into the more conventional “folk singer-songwriter” category, and we’re eating it up like there’s no tomorrow. Seriously, turn this one on, turn your most twinkling lights on, and gaze out the window for a while. Pure bliss.

“Sleepless” is a more conventional anthem in its composition, but equally ethereal as the vocals maintain their light as a feather tone. Even “Repeat Until Death” doesn’t have the negative or dark tones to it as implied in the title, but to categorize it as anything other than melancholic would be a miss in our minds. And that’s fine, as the range of emotion and writing styles allows us a more intense peek into the creative mind of Novo Amor. He ends it all with “Oh, Round Lake”, a simplistic by impactful track that leaves you wanting to dance in that fairy-lit garden, breathing in the autumn night air.

Novo Amor kicks off his UK tour tonight. Head out to one of the dates below to check it out!

Fri 19 Oct – Brudenell Social Club, Leeds UK
Sat 20 Oct – The Haunt, Brighton, UK
Mon 22 Oct – Union Chapel, London, UK
Tue 23 Oct – Union Chapel, London, UK
Wed 24 Oct – La Maroquinerie, Paris, FR
Thu 25 Oct – Kulturhaus Karlstorbahnhof, Heidelberg, DE
Sat 27 Oct – Vega, Copenhagen, DK
Sun 28 Oct – Kagelbanan, Stockholm, SE
Tue 30 Oct – Botanique Orangerie, Brussels, Belgium BE
Wed 31 Oct – Paradiso Noord, Amsterdam, NL
Thu 1 Nov – Gruenspan, Hamburg DE
Fri 2 Nov – Funkhaus Berlin Nalepastrasse, Berlin DE
Mon 12 Nov – Atlanta GA, US
Wed 14 Nov – Union Stage, Washington DC, US
Thu 15 Nov – Bowery Ballroom, New York NY, US
Sat 17 Nov – The Sinclair, Cambridge MA, US
 Tue 20 Nov – Theatre Farimount, Montreal, CA
Wed 21 Nov – Velvet Underground, Toronto, CA
Fri 23 Nov – Lincoln Hall, Chicago IL, US
Sat 24 Nov – Cedar Cultural Center, Minneapolis MN, US
Tue 27 Nov – Bluebird Theater, Denver CO, US
Wed Nov 28 – The Commonwealth Room, Salt Lake City UT, US
Fri 30 Nov – St. James Hall, Vancouver, CA
Sat 1 Dec – Columbia City Theater, Seattle WA US
Sun 2 Dec – Doug Fir Lounge, Portland OR, US
Tue 4 Dec – Swedish American Hall, San Francisco CA, US
Thu 6 Dec – Lodge Room, Los Angeles CA, US

Birthplace is available now. Keep up with Novo Amor here.

o future, “smell you”

o future, “smell you”

Electronic duo O Future – comprised of Katherine Mills Rymer and Jens Bjornkjaer – is coming atchya full throttle today with the release of latest single “Smell You”. Quirky percussion weaves in staccato cowbell moments to bring a fun twist to the track, ethereal vocals setting the tone for a light-as-a-feather take on a title that would otherwise be a bit concerning when paired with the press photo. (No judgment, we like to smell bread too.) A fun take on a moment of attraction, we’re down to play this all season long.

Explains Katherine of the track:

It’s a about flirting. Deep heavy breathed flirting, to the point of almost crossing the line into not harmless into the realm of actually doing the thing your body says you are aiming at. That moment is the sexiest moment, the unsaid attraction between to people, the hidden secret thing between two people, all the animal non language turn on. Sometimes and, I would say most times in my life, those moments are the most delicious.

Keep up with O Future here.

roaming herds of buffalo, mountain rabbit

roaming herds of buffalo, mountain rabbit

Indie pop-rock collective Roaming Herds of Buffalo releases their new album Mountain Rabbit today, and we’re blown away by the way the entire collection induces an energy field no matter what setting you listen to it in. Beginning with the fast paced “Does NOT Exist”, second track “Judgment Day” brings the pace down, but not the crashing of cymbals nor the hard guitar chords that we’ve come to know and love of this band. By “Into The Void”, we’re pleased to realize the vocal nods to the 60s and 70s will be a mainstay, indulging in the soft and glittering instrumentals of the third track.

This album truly leads you on an audible journey, a storyline attached at every turn. It’s colorful and interesting, bouncing from topic to topic while treating its listener to a soundscape unlike most others. The change of tempo after the intro in “Ray Gun” is sublime, the throwback punk feels of “Brain Stem!” really rev you up, and the title track feels like its from another world. “Dressed Like Sheep” brings it to a simpler acoustic sound, allowing the album to round out in a more delicate and light-hearted way. But the subject matter is another thing altogether…

Keep up with Roaming Herds of Buffalo here.

thunderpussy’s whitney talks finding her sonic soulmate and puppies in the green room ahead of performance at riot room in kc

thunderpussy’s whitney talks finding her sonic soulmate and puppies in the green room ahead of performance at riot room in kc

If you have not witnessed the glory that is Thunderpussy – live or otherwise – it’s time to wake up. We had a chance to glimpse their live performance tactics at this year’s Sasquatch Music Festival, and we were absolutely blown away as they upstaged the other performances going on around them. Seattle-based, this all-female band – expertly comprised of Molly Sides (Vocals), Whitney Petty (Guitar), Leah Julius (Bass), and Ruby Dunphy (Drums) – is taking their chops to the road, giving North America a taste of their high energy, brilliantly colored stage presence and gorgeous rock music. We’re about to join the party at Riot Room on Tuesday night, and we got the unique experience of asking guitar extraordinaire Whitney Petty some questions leading up to the tour. Check out the brief moment we got, as she explained finding her musical soulmate and creating tantalizing melodies.

Let’s get back to the basics. What was the first song or album you ever remember listening to, and do you think it has any impact on who you are as a performer today?

When I was 12 I bought my first Aerosmith CD, Nine Lives, it had just come out. I still know every word and nuance of each song on that record. I am still totally in love with Steven Tyler. Aerosmith are a huge influence on me.

While you’re busy “piercing the walls of Valhalla”, does anything about your conception story strike you as amazing? Was it a meet cute? Tell us about your beginnings!

Well, meeting Molly was an incredible event in my life. It’s a singular feeling when you meet your soulmate. And like I said, I love Aerosmith. I had always hoped that one day I meet my musical accomplice, like the Steven to my Joe. That’s Molly.

What is the recording process like? 

It depends on the song, but there is usually always a melody first. Sometimes that melody is on the guitar, and sometimes it is with a lyric. Each song kind of has its own DNA.

You put out your s/t EP in May, and it’s absolutely captivating. Any personal or behind the scenes anecdotes from the recording process you’d like to share?

Working with Sylvia was a dream. Everyone learned so much about the process from her everyday. We should have had a film crew with us in the ‘Real World Ashland house’, as we called it. One of the highlights was recording Young and Pure very live and very stoned (as per Sylvia’s request) in the dark at the very end of the session. There is some magic on that track!

Anyone have a favorite song off of that EP, or something you prefer to perform?

There isn’t any song on there that we don’t like to perform, but some are more lively than others! Velvet Noose is always thrilling, and we all love to play Torpedo. With three distinct parts it’s always a journey…

We got the unique pleasure of witnessing you perform at Sasquatch earlier this year. How does festival life compare to your regular touring life? Is there something you prefer or dislike more?

CATERING. Is what’s up. Festivals are rad!! We love getting to meet artists and see big shows up close and personal.

And. Your OUTFITS. Are you always that bedazzled? What inspired that choice for Sasquatch? (We are in love.)

Yes!!! We love the glam;) Shout out to Pakio Galore out of Seattle, who makes a lot of our costumes. Molly is very instrumental in the vision of how we present ourselves onstage. And who doesn’t love a good color theme?!

When you need time to regroup – to conquer writer’s block or find your new sound or take a minute – where do you go? What’s your safe haven?

Molly and I love nature. We go to the mountains fairly often, in Idaho. And I love Kauai, when I can get there. But there is no place like our native Seattle!!!

Any fun pre-performance rituals?

Drink the blood of virgins, sacrifice a goat, that kind of thing…

Your rider list is probably pretty modest compared to, say, J.Lo. But if you could have anything on your rider list, what would you do?

Kittens and puppies in the green room, obv.

Something a little off-kilter… Do you believe in intuition and. the power of psychics? Why or why not?

Of course. I believe in the collective unconscious and synchronicity. I believe in Karma. I think there is a subtlety to life and events that many people perceive and many miss.


Don’t forget to head out to Riot Room on the 16th to enjoy the magic of Thunderpussy’s live performance, and keep up with them here.

unlovable, “just friends”

unlovable, “just friends”

Continuing a steady stream of releases this week is Absent Mind, a label that focuses on chilled, lightly electronic sounds. We’ve enjoyed everything they’ve put on offer this year, and their latest is another example of this. “Just Friends” comes courtesy of Unlovable, an act that we know very little about.

This track shimmers with clean melodic flow and some oozing vocals; a musical match made in heaven. This one is ideal for winding down for the weekend with, and it’s had several rotations from us already.

Listen to it here.

pearla, “forgive yourself” + “pumpkin”

pearla, “forgive yourself” + “pumpkin”

Yesterday, Brooklyn-based musician Pearla released two refreshing new tracks, “Forgive Yourself” and “Pumpkin”. The former vocalizes the need to allow yourself some space to acknowledge that you are not perfect, and that that’s OK. Explains Pearla, “I wrote ‘Forgive Yourself’ while sitting in my backyard, trying to meditate but failing because a bee kept flying around my face. I got frustrated with myself that I couldn’t stop reacting to the bee. This song is about all of those little knee-jerk reactions. It’s about accepting them, and not faulting yourself for simply… being human.” The release of this song is integral to this month’s theme of mental health awareness.

Before we even push play on “Pumpkin”, we’re smiling at the perfect timing of the release of that single as well. (Anyone else craving it?) The sound is perfectly autumn, Pearla’s lyrics painting a picture of the perfect setting during this time of year, her vocals wrapping their listener in warmth.

Both songs are sonic dreams. Check them out below, and be sure to add them to your fall soundtrack!

Keep up with Pearla here.

madison, “work it”

madison, “work it”

Madison brings the heavy, badass vibes with new track “Work It”. A track about female empowerment, this song really does induce a powerful feeling, deep, raspy vocals and a quick staccato to each word. The heavy guitar really makes this feel like a runway track, and we’re all over that feeling. Blast this while prepping for Halloween and all of the spectacular autumn adventures you’re about to go on!