mey, “spiky love”

mey, “spiky love”

Darkness, waves of bass and intense drums, and mysterious sounds lace the ominous single from Mey titled “Spiky Love”. This is the first single off of the upcoming EP With the Lights Off, and to say it sets the tone is an understatement. The song, and its accompanying music video, embodies a special kind of darkness that has both pop and rock influences. The rage and angst expressed by Mey in the lyrics are further supported by what almost seems like drums and  heartbeat rhythm. I personally found the plucking of the guitar both sonically pleasing and unique to the landscape of the track.

Says Mey of the video:

Spiky Love » is about desire. It is about the most common human tension : between need and desire. And about having a strong desire for something that you know is wrong for you and destructive. Still, being aware of it and pointing out this paradox, while accepting it. In this song I’m trying to explore my own destructive impulsions, to let them out, and to make something beautiful out of it.
Leonard Heliot and I worked on the video for « Spiky Love » with the artwork of the EP as the starting point.
The idea (and challenge!) was to keep it all in the dark, while creating a sense of intimacy. We wanted to suggest rather than expose, and keep the dark, unhealthy atmosphere of the song as well.

Mey seems to have a lot up her sleeve for this EP, and if “Spiky Love” is any indication of what is to come, then we should all be on the edge of our seats in anticipation for the rest. You can check out Mey on her socials posted below.


cooper & gatlin, “like you” [acoustic]

cooper & gatlin, “like you” [acoustic]

Hailing from Tennessee, pop duo Cooper & Gatlin – comprised of Cooper Green (Guitar/Vocals) and Gatlin Kate James (Vocals) – releases a catchy, lighthearted new acoustic version of their single”Like You” today along with its bright and fun new visual. Believe it or not, we’re lucky enough to be hosting the exclusive premiere. This version of the song is absolutely incredible, putting a crisp spin on something already mellifluous and wonderful. Although the song is bittersweet with more melancholic lyrical content, it’s an absolute earworm that will have you tapping your toes all day.

Admits the duo of the project: “The acoustic video was such a blast to make! We already had an amazing set to work with from the main video, so it was super fun to rearrange it, and make everything work in one take! Everyone had worked so hard shooting the videos for both versions of the song, so it was so awesome to have them all dancing with us at the end of the acoustic video.”

Keep up with Cooper & Gatlin here.

kin kanyon, “fauxtown”

kin kanyon, “fauxtown”

Vancouver’s own Kin Kanyon – comprised of Dan Rocque (Guitars, Organ, Vocals), Ed Budden (Bass, Vocals), Matt Harvey (Guitar, Vocals), and Chris Rowntree (Drums) – has released the official music video for their single “Fauxtown”, and we’re having a ball with it. Get sucked into the 70’s vibe with their psychedelic soundscape, and get pulled further into the entire experience with the vintage music video that will get you groovin’. 

You don’t have to trust us, but we are keen to know your thoughts.

Keep up with Kin Kanyon here.

lost leaders, promises promises

lost leaders, promises promises

Hailing from New York state, musical duo Lost Leaders – comprised of Peter Cole (Guitar/Vocals) and Byron Issacs (Guitar, Bass/Vocals) – released their endearing new 9-track full-length, titled Promises Promises on Friday. Beginning with first track “Extra-Ordinary”, the band brings an organic feeling of warmth to each track through to the last whirring notes of “Falling”. Personal favorites from the collection are “People Like Us”, “Wake Me Up”, and the darkness of “Falling Stars”, though we would never suggest trying those out without the album in its entirety.

The way Lost Leaders has crafted the energy of this album from one song to the next is bar none, and we’re electrified at the prospect of listening all week!

Keep up with Lost Leaders here.

fathers, high horses

fathers, high horses

Today, Kansas City-based collective Fathers – comprised of Kenneth Storz (Voice, Guitar, Keys), Brooke Honeycutt (Voice, Bells, Percussion), David Littlewood (Voice, Keys, Bells), Matt Guilliams (Bass, Percussion), Bryce VZ (Vibraphone, Voice, Percussion), Josh Seerden (Guitar, Keys, Bass, Percussion), and Celeste Tilley (Trombone, Voice, Percussion) – releases a compelling new EP titled High Horses. First track “Natural Facts” starts out with static, and then one voice becomes many as it layers into a beautiful, wordless harmony. It is only at 1:42 that lyrics are introduced to the track, melancholic and beautiful in their disposition. “PRTND” maintains that same low, thoughtful sound, as the influence of oughts punk is woven into their unique indie sound.

“Guinevere” is welcomed slowly, as gracefully as the name would indicate. The entirety of the track feels delicate compared to its brethren, as it is the only track void of vocals, save for a distorted overlay at the very end. Fathers round out the collection with the title track, a slow yet vibrant display of introspective lyrics and strings amidst a bevy of tranquil sounds. It is absolutely delightful.

Keep up with Fathers here.

i am casting on lyricism, psychology, and carnival barkers

i am casting on lyricism, psychology, and carnival barkers

Cole Guerra has crafted a sound that balances on the edge between progressive rock and pop with latest project I Am Casting, a musical entity we have been captivated by since premiering “Clay” last year. Amidst the release of the project’s debut album, we got a few minutes to sit down and dig in with Guerra on everything music. Check it out below!

There was a time when you were studying and performing, were there any points where the focus of your studies intermingled with your song writing?

That period was well before writing any of the songs on Carnival Barkers. The overlap would have occurred primarily during the writing of an album called Scarves & Knives, which I put out under my own name years ago. I don’t believe that the focus of my studies really made its way into contemporaneous songwriting material, though I can look back and recognize that I was, at times, working some psychological stuff out (about myself) through my lyric writing.

On the other hand, my exposure during grad school and beyond to issues central to clinical psychology and social psychology has pretty clearly influenced my lyrics over the past couple years, while writing the tunes on Carnival Barkers.

Does your background in psychology help when writing lyrics?

In general, I’m sure that the psych background funnels me towards certain subject matter, even if I’m not altogether deliberate or conscious about this, and that it then informs the perspective I have on the chosen subjects. The psych background definitely influenced how I approached the material on Carnival Barkers. It was 2016 when I began working on the album, and from the start of lyric-writing I knew my framework was to write a collection of tunes that would observe, from various angles, something about the psychology of the political moment. Most of the songs offer a take on toxic influencers and/or their impact, both on those who ‘buy in’ to the message and those who do not. For example, I think of ‘Wolf’, ‘Charmer’, and ‘Lullaby’ as Pied Piper-like riffs, thematically. I view ‘Helpless’, ‘Muggers’, and ‘Seams’ as fragments of possible responses by those upended and left feeling powerless in the wake of a malignant carnival barker. ‘Flood’ and ‘Window’ are songs about the political exploitation of fear and prejudice.

Carnival Barkers will soon be released, “Flood” was the first single released from your new album. What is the background behind “Flood”?

‘Flood’ was one of the first songs written for Carnival Barkers – it was penned in mid-2016. During the run-up to the election, I was disgusted, like many, by how often Trump negatively framed non-white and non-European populations and made racial and ethnic distinctions increasingly salient. He was explicitly signalling to his political base that they should care about race and ethnicity differences, and that those outside their racial and ethnic ingroups (here’s the social psychology influence I referenced above) were clear threats. In essence, he seemed to have a strategy of stoking and then exploiting people’s fears about those in outgroups. We’ve seen this play out over the past couple years – in, for example, the alarmism about the “Caravan” or with the just-declared “national emergency”. ‘Flood’ tries to get at aspects of this, as does the song ‘Window’.

The video for “Flood” used footage of historical events that ties into the song, of the footage you used which part sums up “Flood” the most?

The juxtaposition of (a) clips from a 1957 promo piece by Redbook magazine that depicted tranquil white suburbia with (b) clips depicting the aggression and hostility of white women and men towards the Little Rock Nine during that same year.

After Scarves & Knives you kind of disappeared, what were you doing in that time?

At the time of releasing Scarves & Knives, and then touring in support of it, I was ‘on leave’ from my clinical psychology program. I had a decision to make after touring – do I finish the degree or commit full-time to music? I was invested in both possible paths and knew I wanted to wrap up the doctoral degree and keep the door open to becoming a practicing psychologist. I re-engaged in the grad program, which was a pretty immersive thing involving dissertation writing and clinical work, followed by an internship and subsequent ‘post-doc’ experience. After that, I jumped into developing my clinical psychology practice. During that stretch, whenever I tried to write music, it just felt kind of painful – like if I couldn’t do it full-on, why bother? Hard to explain, really. I somehow ended up going years without doing anything music-related. Most of that time, I didn’t even touch a guitar or keyboard. It wasn’t until 2016 that I began writing again.

Is there any overall advantage from working primarily from your home studio?

Yes, absolutely, especially as I’ve come to view tracking itself as an important part of my songwriting process – things are pretty iterative at this point, so I benefit from having the ability to easily go in and adjust, rinse, repeat, etc. I guess I could just call what I end up with a ‘demo’ and then go to a full-fledged studio, but the home studio is sufficient for me to obtain most of what I’m after – there are exceptions, and I did leave the home space to record some stuff.

What element of Carnival Barkers are you most proud of and why?

Probably that it feels like an album. There are thematic threads that connect the tunes, as I was describing earlier, and I think there are musical threads that do the same (arrangement choices, tonally coherent). Hopefully, if a listener takes in the full LP in a single gulp, there is a “whole is greater than the sum of its parts” type impact.

You studied piano as a child, how did this set you up musically for your future musical endeavors?

I’m sure that early exposure to an instrument was one of the things that contributed to a love of music, along with extensive music-listening as a young kid. I’m also pretty sure that playing the piano made it easier to learn and play the guitar, which I picked up just after high school. This is conjecture, but maybe the most significant impact of playing an instrument as a young kid was that it introduced me very early on to the idea that one’s experience with music can be that of an active participant.

What was it about Richard Buckner’s Since that captivated you so much?

Just about everything, really. Chord progressions and melodies that grabbed me immediately and then somehow continued to grow on me after a ridiculous amount of spins. The sound itself – dry vocal upfront, immersive + emotional musical beds. The tunes cohere as an album, and yet there is a great amount of variability in song tempos, tone, structure, and length. I usually don’t weigh lyrical content that greatly in my music preferences, but Buckner’s lyrics on Since are just incredible. And lastly, the tunes seemed so specifically him – I didn’t have a clear sense of ‘influences’.

Since also introduced me to the work of producer and bassist JD Foster, who had produced the LP as well as Bucker’s preceding album, Devotion & Doubt. A few years after the release of Since, I invited JD to a show I was playing in NYC – the conversation with JD after that gig eventually led to the making of Scarves & Knives.

Why did it take a text from Ian Schreier to get you making music again, had you not thought of your music before that point?

There was something motivating about re-engaging with people I’d worked on music with in the past – Ian had mixed Scarves & Knives and been involved in some of the recording as well. Also, quite frankly, it was probably that the messages from Ian over a couple months, along with some other input from musicians I respect a lot, helped to build up some lost confidence. The initial communication from Ian led to a couple meetings at the studio where he typically works, and to me taking a plunge on buying some home recording software/hardware – I’d never had any recording gear previously.

When creating music for Carnival Barkers it was the lyrics that came second, what is your usual creative process of writing?

Lyrics have always come relatively late in the process for me. Frankly, as a listener, the music (the chord progression, the melody, the texture/sound/feel, etc.) speaks to me far more than does any lyric. A bad lyric can put me off, but I’ll listen to a great-sounding tune with middling lyrics. A good lyric is like a bonus of sorts, icing on the cake.

Though I’ve always written music before lyrics, the creative process did change quite a bit for Carnival Barkers. Prior to CB, I’d write the progression + melody + lyric while sitting with a guitar or at the piano, and think about arrangement and texture after the song was, in essence, ‘done’. With CB, the home recording setup and software enabled me to write and record percussion (and other) parts in tandem with the keys or guitar, and the rhythm and ‘texture’ tracks ended up influencing my progressions and melodies to a degree I never would have predicted – I really prefer this newer approach. As I start playing with a vocal melody over a progression I’ve already written and recorded, a lyrical idea or theme will sort of emerge – usually a phrase or two grab me and then I shape the remaining lyric accordingly.

Thank you for giving Imperfect Fifth this interview, is there anything you would like to add?

No, other than thanks for expressing interest in the album!


Keep up with I Am Casting here.

watermelon slim @ winter blues fest

watermelon slim @ winter blues fest

Bill Homans has been a truck driver, petty criminal and a watermelon farmer. He’s also a member of Mensa, made the only Vietnam War protest album to be written by a veteran during the war, and plays a mean slide guitar. The critically acclaimed Watermelon Slim, who has collected a record-setting number of blues award nominations, thrilled a crowd of fans at the Winter Blues Fest in Des Moines on February 1st.

a day without love, “fashit” ft. bartees strange

a day without love, “fashit” ft. bartees strange

Over the next few weeks, we will be expecting a few new tracks from alt/rock/punk project A Day Without Love (Brian Walker). Today, we’ve got his latest track “FASHIT” featuring Bartees Strange. With the most rock-worthy guitar, this song is approached with finesse and a bit of reverb to really make it feel hard and fast, when truly the pace is pretty easy-going. The energy in the track lifts and lowers with such subtlety, that it will leave you on a high long after it ends.

Keep up with A Day Without Love here.

betty who + two feet @ sprint center

betty who + two feet @ sprint center

Saturday, February 2nd, wasn’t just a day in the books because Panic! @ The Disco made an appearance at Sprint Center. Kansas City rejoiced that evening because the tow openers were there to party. Betty Who brought her crazy intense dance moves and powerful voice to the stage, leading in to Two Feet‘s display of impeccable guitar skills. We got a few snaps of these energetic performers, and they can be seen below!