speed the plough, …and then

speed the plough, …and then

New Jersey-based indie psych rock band Speed The Plough – comprised of John, Toni and Mike Baumgartner and Ed Seifert, joined by former STP bassist Dan Francia and drummer Ken Meyer – released their latest full length on December 8th. The album, titled …And Then, is comprised of ten tracks that dare to drag you into a soundscape that doesn’t altogether make sense in one grouping. From one track to the next, the group displays their musical prowess and keeps the listener on their toes with the variety of sounds they are able to create together.

Take “Crossing the Tizsa” for example. The lyrics are almost like a fairy tale or a beautiful children’s story, set over dark instrumentals that eventually lighten into a Renaissance-like tranquility. This makes sense, as it was found in a songbook of Hungarian folk songs. (John’s mom is the one who can be heard in the spoken word section, by the way. Props to her!) “Take Me” allows the album to take on a whole different persona, introducing itself with bass that would rival the best oughts’ pop/punk tracks. And while “Azimuth” has an unmistakable 70s vibe, perhaps driven by the keys that make up the melody, “The Bitter End” feels abrupt and intense in its disposition. By the time we reach fifth track “Marina”, we’re not sure what to expect, as Speed The Plough tends to switch up the sound on us from one track to the next. For example, “Marina” brings back that beautiful renaissance-meets-rock feel to it, almost as though it should be on an A/B Side with “Crossing the Tizsa”.

“By This River” is light as a feather, largely driven by simple and delicate piano chords. Its sound is slightly different from its predecessors as well, if not only for the fact that it is a cover originally done by Brian Eno. While we might expect “Why We Fall in Love” to be some sort of intense love ballad, it’s more of a quirky indie track with percussion that feels primal, and perhaps groups it back in that “far-off places, daring sword fights, magic spells” territory. (Guess that reference in the comments and you’ve got a new bets friend!) “The Bird Has Flown” is almost theatrical in its presence, notable for its robust piano chords and delicate guitar.

Last two tracks “Running On” and “Dark Continents” happen to have been originals from an earlier iteration of the band called The Trypes. These tracks hadn’t gotten the studio attention the band thought they needed to thrive, so these tracks happen to have a different, low-key, “vibing out” feel to them that really tends to invigorate as the last track fades out beautifully.

…And Then is available now. Keep up with Speed The Plough here.

meet invisible candy, who has concocted some of the most intriguing music of 2017

meet invisible candy, who has concocted some of the most intriguing music of 2017

Relatively new to the scene, rock trio Invisible Candy – comprised of Jen Smith (cello), Carter Zumtobel (drums), and Colin Campbell (guitar/lead vocals) – often refer to themselves as “Brooklyn’s chamber rock sweethearts,” but might just be on their way to having the world believe them. The fact that a rock trio features a cello prominently is already alluring enough. Take three distinctive performers who proudly proclaim their newfound love for “flowers, German expressionism, fake blood, and obviously candy,” add the frenetic, romanticized sound that steadily flows from the speakers, and you’ve got genre-bending rock that encapsulates chamberpunk ditties like “Mental Hatchets” alongside sweeping indie rock tunes like “Simone”.
In honor of their latest single we got a few minutes to learn more about the band behind that intense, enigmatic sound.
What is the Invisible Candy conception story? 
Jen Smith: We’re not a concept band, but I could see us going in that direction. We have divergent influences from the past that we could weave into a modern sound and build a narrative around that process … that’s the dream, right? But as of now, the origin story is three people met through mutual friends and started making music together. The name literally came out of a dream and since inception we’ve been challenging ourselves to write more freely … more psych, more garage rock, more experimental.
Colin Campbell: We’ve all been in bands that had several more cats to herd at once. So a trio, at least as the constant core to then ornament, was immediately appealing.
Carter Zumtobel: 🤘
With your collection of bold personalities, what is the writing process like? Does it vary from song to song? Take us inside your process! 
JS: Well, this EP we’re working on is somewhat “soaked” subject matter – heavy, drunk, woeful. Even though our original batch of songs is from Colin’s notebook, Carter brings a new element with the drums and we have to work as a collective to find what the cello will add. Nothing is set in stone. We revisit a lot of songs on a structural level just to see what happens. And it’s usually a fun jaunt, not at all a confrontational or frustrating process. We will have some new material soon too, and that might come from Carter’s writing and my arrangement or Colin on lead guitar and me on keys or any number of combinations. We’re all about the possibilities right now.
CC: I generally use simple pop structures with lyrical references from an otherwise useless liberal arts background. Part of me always wants to coax audiences into something sweet and entertaining, almost saccharine, then twist it with something a tad more sonically or lyrically demanding.

Your latest track “Mental Hatchets” is so, so good. Do you mind discussing the inspiration?
CC: It’s of course an unironic bullet-pointed list of why we’re living in a globalized urban utopia!
With so much good music being released right now – especially since a certain event last year – we’re falling over ourselves trying to keep up with it all! It makes me wonder, is there pressure with an up-and-coming band to have a message or stance with everything? 
JS: For me, it’s important to have a stance and to have integrity, on stage and off. I’ve seen lots of bands lend their talents to benefit shows, and we are participating in that movement too. We’re donating a set to Thursdays for a Cause at Our Wicked Lady in Brooklyn on 12/14, for example. That’s something we’d like to do regularly, as well as put our resources behind artists from marginalized communities.
As artists, we’ve looked to the past for inspiration, like the antifascist movement Rock Against Racism, to see how musicians felt and dealt with such troubled times historically. And I think off stage, we’ve all taken steps to educate ourselves on structural oppression and we talk to each other pretty freely. The openness and acceptance in this band definitely helps me effect changes in my non-performer life.
If you could be a superhero, who would you be, and why? 

Superman, because I am a masochist and I want to know what it’s like to control your otherworldly strength in every human gesture, thereby taking notice of every delicate and unbearable human gesture.

Professor Xavier because he does his ass-kicking under a cozy blanket on a levitating barcalounger.

Rod Kimble, stuntman extraordinaire.
BIGGER question… if “Mental Hatchets” were part of a Thanksgiving meal, what part would it be and why? 
JS: I think cranberry sauce cause it’s a small portion with a lot of zing!
CC: The stuffing, just cause it’s all I can think about right now.
CZ: Keep on rocking in the free world.
Catch Invisible Candy at Gold Sounds Bar in Brooklyn on November 29th.  Keep up with the band here.
father mountain, apartment living

father mountain, apartment living

Earlier this month, Kentucky-based alternative/indie group Father Mountain – comprised of Travis Cox, Jesse French, Austin Hohiemer, and Zane Martin – released ten track full-length debut Apartment Living. With that title alone, I don’t know a single person who wouldn’t be intrigued to find out if there are shared experiences in the plane of living in actual apartments. Of course, we expected topics to bounce around a little more than that. What we didn’t expect was that the album would make us feel so good.

With vocals laced so thickly with sincerity, Father Mountain completely pulls you into the emotions of every song. “Grey” teaches us not to assume too much about the mood of the track based on its title, while “Sobriety” saunters along in a melancholic sound space. (Slightly as expected.) “Friends” picks up with more of an alt-pop vibe, something that distracts from the self-assessing narrative about the importance of timing and friendship – or otherwise – hitting you when you least expect it. “Grace” exists at just over one minute, discussing the struggle of decision making in relationships, and giving us a line with the word “grey” that feels much more melancholic than the first track. “Hallelujah” has a very distinct Death Cab For Cutie feel to it, winding a narrative about angels and the afterlife, really packing in the religious verbiage and allowing those who attended private school a bit of a leg up when deciphering it.

Keep up with Father Mountain here.

fond of rudy, “to be mine”

fond of rudy, “to be mine”

Indie alternative pop collective Fond of Rudy recently released their latest single “To Be Mine”, a head-boppin’ pop love song that will get you feeling upbeat and positive in no time. With instrumentals that maintain their modern flare while nodding electronic influence to the 80s, the chorus has that sound that just makes you feel free. Almost as though the instrumentals are pounding out of your chest. And the sweet as sugar lyrics don’t hurt the effect, if we’re being completely honest.

Keep up with Fond Of Rudy here.

griffin robillard, cracks in the ceiling

griffin robillard, cracks in the ceiling

In September, Boston’s folk/indie rock talent Griffin Robillard released his 9 track, full-length album titled Cracks in the Ceiling. Flooded in a sharply nostalgic feeling, the album itself was written while Robillard was living in Copenhagen. You can almost feel the growth he was experiencing while writing the piece, as his vocals are flooded with emotion as he brings you into his world with the mid-tempo, almost anthemic, title track, bouncing into the more upbeat and soulful vibes of “Ghost” before getting slightly more twangy, then bluesy/jazzy, in his instrumentals with third track “Because I’ve Told You”.

“Reel to Reel” slows things down – has the structure of a Ben Folds-type track – weaving a narrative speaking to his significant other that is slightly specific, but still very vague, perhaps for the sake of universality. While “Artifacts” picks things back up exponentially, it is with sixth track “Faithless” that we are brought back out of our seats, encouraged by the sound to move. “In Your Own Way” houses similar surf pop vibes to the instrumentals in Gin Blossoms’ “Found Out About You“, causing us a few moments of reminiscing on our 90s selves.

It is with “Nothing to Show” that things get very serious, both lyrically and instrumentally. It’s like Robillard has decided to rip his heart wide open in this one, simplifying the instrumentals slightly to really showcase the words as he croons the track into a 70s style rock stunner. “Tired of Being Cruel” is your last taste of Cracks in the Ceiling, a  lot more upbeat in its composition, though melancholic lyrically as he begins the song with the line “tired of being cruel to you.” Self reflective, honest, raw. That’s what we’ve come to love about Robillard, and – while we’re plenty happy with this release – we’re already excited to hear what comes next from this talented musician.

Cracks in the Ceiling is out now. Keep up with Griffin Robillard here.

ephrata, ephrata

ephrata, ephrata

Seattle-based shoegaze/dream pop collective Ephrata – comprised of Skadi Von Reis Crooks (guitar, vocals), Brady Hall (guitar, vocals), Jules Jones (bass, vocals), and Ben Bromage (drums, vocals) – released their self-titled 11 track album just last month. The vocal harmonies they have been honing since their conception in 2011 are buttery smooth, with almost a kaleidoscope of personalized instrumental layers that make each song feel like an entire experience. We were big fans of the release, so we thought we’d let you in on why.

“Odds” has a very “I Melt With You” feel to its initial lines – though delivered as though it were released in the 50s – bathing its listener in light, nostalgic feels right off the bat. “Tunguska” is characterized by whirring guitars, the beat setting in after a couple of lines and really kicking the energy into high gear. But the song feels upbeat and light, while the lyrics are actually quite terrifying as they repeat “Run, run, scream and cry / Run for your life.” (Comforting, we know.) “Breakers” makes us realize that we may have embedded ourselves in a deceivingly light – but innately melancholic – work, as first line “Don’t you know that things were better when they were bad?” throws us into an almost existential mindset. And while we aren’t entirely sure what it means to “die on a sea of straight faces,” “Sea Of Straight Faces” is a slow, 50’s doo-wop sounding track that mellows you out for a bit mid-album.

Fifth track “Fiend Folio” seems to play with dissonance early on, addressing perhaps the fact that your road through life is paved with temptation and intensity (“forked tongues and fangs showed me the way”). We might be misinterpreting the lyrics, though they are – as their predecessors – seemingly bittersweet in their delivery and intention. “1000 Things” begins with a grunge/surf bass guitar, exploding into a beachy track that hits Beach Boys status pretty quickly and effectively. And while “What Is Mine” is indie rock at its core – it feels as though it could have easily been included on the Juno soundtrack – “Consequence” rolls right back into some hard beachy nostalgia for us all.

“Pharaoh” is light and upbeat in delivery. In fact, deceivingly so, as they’re singing about being shot and “entombed,” though the overarching theme might just be found in the line “pot meet kettle,” something we have been examining intensely recently, especially regarding people in power. (But I digress.) “Evil Twin” is a track that really makes you think. Clearly, the person whose perspective we’re examining is in denial about a seemingly abusive relationship, as she is convinced she met her significant other’s “evil twin” because of the way he treats her. “But when he appears you’re always gone…” How sullen and beautiful, this perspective on unhealthy relationships. Ephrata ties their 11 track release together with “Sun Scenario”, keeping with the devastating, lugubrious theme by instructing “fill your head full of dread ’til you’re dead,” which – to their credit – when examined has the opposite effect. It’s as though they’re encouraging you to embark upon this dark path, hoping you might take it as a challenge and move, instead, into the light.

But however you tend to interpret the lyrics, move forward. Examine your world through the lens of Ephrata’s music and use it as a learning tool. It will come in handy.

Ephrata is available now. Keep up with the band here.

chris barron talks angels and one-armed jugglers, believes “ugly stuff can be beautiful too”

chris barron talks angels and one-armed jugglers, believes “ugly stuff can be beautiful too”

Chris Barron is one of the masterminds behind some of your favorite 90’s songs, as he is the lead singer of critically acclaimed four piece Spin Doctors. For years, he’s been honing his own solo sound alongside his work with the band, and has dabbled in working with other artists as well. He writes, plays, and goes about it all in a very unique, process-oriented way. In all reality, Chris Barron is the ideal musician in regards to talent, but he’s also a phenomenal and humble human being behind it all. We know, because we got the unique chance to ask him some questions in the thick of release week of his brand new album Angels And One-Armed Jugglers, which dropped on Friday.

Full to the brim of incredible artistry, Angels And One-Armed Jugglers travels into sound spaces and genres Barron isn’t necessarily known for, but pulls off entirely too well with the band he has assembled. Learn more about them – and Barron’s process – below, right after you check out the new album in its entirety!

What is the first song or album you ever remember hearing, and who introduced it to you?

I remember being very small, so small that I was about the same height as my parents stereo, holding myself up, my hand on the speaker, with Elton John’s “Crocodile Rock“ blasting out of it. I might’ve been in diapers. It made an impression on me because I still remember. It has to be one of my earliest memories.

Was there a moment that it struck you and you realized you were going to pursue music, or did it kind of slowly evolve?

When I was six years old, I saw Shirley Temple on our old Sony, black and white TV singing “The Good Ship Lollipop” and I was like, “I’m going to marry her and we are going to do that“. I didn’t know what “that” was. I didn’t know the difference between a singer, dancer, or an actor but I knew I wanted to perform. I always had a penchant for creative writing and when I learn some guitar, that evolved into song writing. I was also good at singing and my choir went to Europe to perform my sophomore year of high school. Being 16 years old, on tour in Europe just because I could sing galvanized forever my resolve to become a professional musician. I figured, if I could get myself across the ocean at 16 just because I could sing, I had a pretty good chance.

“Two Princes” was one of the first music videos I ever remember seeing, and I was ensnared by it every time it was on tv. How has your musical process changed and developed since then, both in your solo work and in collaborations? Is it much different?

I’ve always been very process oriented. When I write, I write in bulk, giving myself permission always to write the worst crap ever written. My thought is to get past the garbage and chatter to the creative part of my mind separating out the editing voice from the more instinctive creative voice. Later on in the process I rely heavily on the more analytical editing voice. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve tried to refine my process and allow myself more and more to believe in it. After having a big hit with “Two Princes”, for a long time, I was concerned with repeating the success of that song. That was a handicap. Ever since I’ve been working my way back towards writing the way I wrote when I was a kid, using the same technique I used, really, to write “Two Princes” in the first place, that is, following my nose and giving myself permission, writing tons of stuff and being willing to throw most of it away, keeping the 1 or 2% that’s good and refining that.

I realize now that “Two Princes” and “Little Miss Can’t Be Wrong” were not only two of the most integral songs in my young life – the lyricism really got me into music in the first place – but they’re also enhanced by the undeniable vocal talent. Your voice IS the 90’s to me, and many others. How does it feel, knowing you’ve kind of encapsulated an entire decade for many?

Ha. There’ll be no living with me… I just feel lucky that I wrote a couple tunes that resonated with a lot of people. I worked hard on those songs and I work hard on the skills that enabled me to write them. It’s gratifying to be a part of people’s lives just by virtue of doing what I love to do. There were a lot of great bands in the 90s so I’m glad we stand out amongst them.

That being said, we know you have struggled with vocal cord paralysis. (That had to be terrifying, and we aren’t trying to hit any nerves here.) Has that changed your creative process over the years? Do you have any advice for people who may be struggling with similar vocal issues?

Yeah. That was bad. I’m one of those people, for better or for worse, who identifies very heavily with their profession. Losing my voice was an existential crisis for me. When I first got my voice back, the first time I lost it, I was afraid, and I did some pretty lousy work afterwards, trying to write hit songs so that I would have financial security if I ever lost my voice again. Then I was like, “Screw this, I’m going to write the kooky weird stuff I’ve always written. I don’t care if it sells.” That’s when I really started to hit a stride, creatively. This latest time losing my voice really put a fire in my belly to make this new record. You never know when you’re gonna lose your voice, get hit by a bus, or be abducted by aliens.

Your new album Angels and One-Armed Jugglers is about to hit the airwaves. Tell us a little bit about the title, and what inspired you to go in what seems to be a more theatrical and robust direction with this work as a whole.

I wrote the song, “Angels And One-Armed Jugglers” On the steering wheel of my Crown Victoria Police Interceptor, doing about 60 miles an hour across the 59th St. Bridge. (Do not try this at home)(Or on the 59th St. Bridge) I was thinking about my elderly neighbor Adelaide, who lived next door to me in the late 20th century. The songs on this record are from a tremendous cachet of material. I’m pretty prolific and I always have stuff that won’t work for the Spin Doctors. Once I came up with the title, I just started picking songs that were thematic. The more theatrical production comes from Roman Kuhn who produced the record and was really the impetus behind the scope of the recordings. Initially, I wanted to make a scaled down, acoustic record. He had a much larger vision for the songs and I think he was right to frame them more expansively.

For this release, you sought out some of the best studio musicians you could find. What was that process like for you?

The first guy wanted to use was Shawn Pelton. I’ve known him a long time and work with him before. After working with Aaron Comess for such a long time, I’m a bit of a drummer snob. Then I saw Jesse Murphy the bass player doing a gig with aaron and they grooved so well together, I knew I could play with Jesse. It turns out that Roman recommended him for that gig. I’ve played with almost everybody on the record before and they really complemented my songs by bringing their best efforts to the studio. They all played so beautifully.

The title track has a melancholic feel to it and, thusly, is an interesting way to begin this body of work. But it’s got this bittersweet beauty to it when you dig into the meaning of it all. How do you imagine people enjoying this track?

Songs are funny. When you write them, they kind of get up and walk away. You don’t really get to decide how people interpret them or enjoy them. They’re kind of like kids that way.

You were quoted saying that, at least partially, “thematically, [the album] is about the cocktail party at the apocalypse, the decline of the American empire and just a bunch of lemmings in neck-ties going over the edge.” Did you find that a lot of this work may have been inspired by political events, or does it mostly evade that facet of our society?

Life and art in a democracy is inherently political. I don’t really set out to write politically, but songs like, “Still A Beautiful World” and “Raining Again” touch on a worldview. Just the act of reaching into peoples lives, seeking to make them happy, and creating freely is political.

“Darken My Door” is so intrinsically beautiful. What inspired that track, specifically?

Ha. Being mad at an ex. The old standby song theme.

The track “Still A Beautiful World” is so important. Its message, its lyrical content. It makes us wonder… do you have a favorite space that you like to retreat to to experience beauty?

Lately I’ve been practicing guitar on a stool in front of my building in New York City. It’s not a particularly beautiful place but people walking by, the dogs, the strollers, my neighbors, they all make a choreography with the light, the bricks, and the fire escapes. The experience of beauty, the experience of anything really, is internal. Who’s to say were not all just brains in vats and some mad scientist is making us see everything we see? Beautiful stuff is beautiful but ugly stuff can be beautiful too. And sad stuff…

We are under the very strong impression that each track on this album holds a lot of meaning for you. Is there a song that is a standout for you personally?

That’s true. In terms of meaning, probably “Still A Beautiful World”. That song touches on our existence as a species, religion, and I got really lucky with a couple of those lines… that’s a pretty nice riff too.

Do you find that you are drawn more to songs that mirror your previous work, or are you more into creating something completely out of the indie rock box right now?

Really, don’t think that way. For me a song is a proposition. Get to the heart of the proposition, answer all the questions in an artful way, and you’ve written the song. I try not to set out to write something specific before hand.

If you could be any superhero – previously existing or otherwise – who would you be?

I think writing songs and singing is a bit of a superpower. I don’t think I would choose to be anyone but me.

If Angels And One-Armed Jugglers was a meal, what type of food would it be comprised of?

There was this tiny Cuban restaurant on 14th St. and seventh Avenue called the Sucelt Coffee Shop. This would be a meal from there.

You have so much touring experience from over the years. Any fun memories?

Opening for the Stones was nice. That was like going to rock ‘n’ roll graduate school.

Do you have any outstanding opinions of the music industry now, as you’ve seen it pivot quite a bit during your time as a musician?

A lot of people are making records now. There’s just much more music out there. It’s so cheap to make a record that anyone can make one now. I’m not sure that’s the best thing for music.

Anything else you’d like to add?

Angels And One-Armed Jugglers is out now via Chrysanthemum Records. Keep up with Chris Barron here and remain in touch with all things Spin Doctors here.

tomkat talks road trips, powerful women, and new album icarus

tomkat talks road trips, powerful women, and new album icarus

As Texas’ indie/electro-rock/pop collective TOMKAT – comprised of Katrina Cain, Andrew McMillan, Mike Luzecky, and Jonny Harmon – prepares to release their captivating 9 track album Icarus on Friday, October 13th, they’re prepping a couple of live dates surrounding everything. They’re no strangers to the spotlight, as their debut single “Big Love” was placed in James Franco’s 2016 film Actors Anonymous, but we will argue that they haven’t seen their peak yet, as Icarus marks their full-length debut. And we’re excited to see fan reactions, as we’ve gotten the chance to peak all the new tracks and we’re solidly digging the soothing, trance-like feeling we get listening to the layered, smooth tracks. Katrina’s vocals will ensnare you, whether she’s bringing you up or you’re “Drowning” together.

But before you get the chance to hear what they’ve got in store, we got to throw a few questions at the band. Peep the interview below, along with latest single “Teardrops” to give you a little taste of what’s to come.

What is the first song or album you ever remember hearing, and who introduced it to you?

This is such a great question! When I was a kid, we moved around a lot. I think I moved 6 times before I turned 7, which made for a lot of road trips. We also never flew anywhere, so I have very specific memories of very long car rides across the country. My dad would make mix tapes of music he liked, and that’s what we listened to in the car when we got tired of NPR. My mom claims he played Willie Nelson and James Taylor, but I very vividly remember “America” by Simon and Garfunkel, and “Sympathy for the Devil” by The Rolling Stones. That was the music my dad listened to, and it’s the first music I ever remember hearing.

Your track “Teardrops” off the upcoming album Icarus has been garnering quite a bit of attention with its soulful, laid back vibe, though the lyrics are a bit more involved than that. What inspired that song, specifically?

All of our songs start out with one concept and kind of morph and settle over time into their final, recorded version. “Teardrops” started with just a groovy chord progression, and in rehearsal we would play it over and over again while I sang random syllables that would later turn into actual lyrics. The one lyrical concept I kept coming back to was the line “I’ve been flying so high, I’ve been falling to Hell.” I couldn’t get that feeling out of my head. The harmonic and melodic content of the song really felt like a happy, laid back feeling of soaring, but in my personal life I felt the exact opposite. I wasn’t where I wanted to be in life, and it felt like everything was falling apart. That’s how the song turned into this strange sort of juxtaposition, you’ve got this outside shell where you pretend all is well, but inside you feel like you’re a failure. That’s how the song came to be.

“Persephone” is such a mesmerizing track, though it’s told from the perspective of a woman’s abductor. What made you choose to go that way with the lyrical content? (Also… Persephone was always one of our favorite characters in Greek mythology.)
I have always loved the story of Persephone too! Writing this song from the perspective of Hades was actually unintentional at first. I had wanted to write a song based on Persephone for quite some time because I wanted it to be an allegory for the female experience. I sat down to write the lyrics and pretty much did it about 10 minutes. I had always intended the song to be a feminist statement, I wanted to tell about the horror of being objectified and imprisoned. But when I finished and read what I had written, the story was quite the opposite. In my initial intent, the abductor’s voice (promising to treat her well and repeating “Say you love me!” over and over again) was meant to be dangerous, manipulative, and unstable. However, it also made me consider an alternate version of the story, that perhaps Hades was simply in unequivocal, undying love. And perhaps Persephone loved him too and was happy to make her life in the Underworld as his queen. I decided to leave the lyrics unedited, exactly as I first wrote them, and my hope is that no matter how the listener hears the song, he or she will take away some kind of meaning that is different from how he or she has previously thought of the story of Persephone.
You recorded the upcoming album over a year ago, and had all of the material prepared even further in advance of that. How ready are you for the world to finally hear it in its entirety?
We honestly feel like we have never been more ready for anything! We’re almost sick of our own songs at this point! But isn’t that how it always goes? We are super excited for this baby to be out in the world and hear what our friends and listeners think of the songs in their studio-quality state. Once that day comes, we’ll be able to breathe and take a nap.
Do you have a favorite track off of the album?
“Persephone” is definitely my favorite track. We ultimately decided not to make it a single, but I’m still planning to share that track specifically and make a music video for it after the album release, because I think it deserves that.
Did you choose to release this album on Friday the 13th for any particular reason, or was it just a crazy random happenstance?
The choice to release on Friday the 13th was kind of an accident, but when the date came up I thought, “Hell yeah! Let’s do it!” Maybe it will be good luck. (I don’t have a lot of superstitions…)
If you could have any superhero help you promote Icarus, who would you choose and why?
Wonder Woman! Because powerful women will save the world.
Anything else you’d like to add?
Icarus will be available on iTunes, Spotify, Bandcamp, and pretty much every music sharing app available!
TOMKAT will be playing an album release show on October 19th at Harvest House in Denton, Texas. Tickets are available now. Icarus is out October 13th. It is available for preorder now. Keep up with TOMKAT here.
ryan egan, “tongue of yours”

ryan egan, “tongue of yours”

Beginning with simple beat, slowly layering in percussion with vocals. Stripped down is how you first hear indie-pop solo artist Ryan Egan‘s voice in his new track “Tongue Of Yours”, and – to be completely honest – that’s how the majority of the song feels even with the added instrumentals. It feels close, intense, raw. And perhaps that’s how it’s meant to be heard, especially since Egan created “Tongue Of Yours” while he had two injured hands and no instruments to work with. Left to his own devices, he sang every chord and programmed the drums, making the song itself a step away from what he’s known for, and an almost primal experience.

Egan’s sophomore effort Fever & Bloom is out December 1st. Keep up with Ryan Egan here.