Nashville-based singer and songwriter Meg Elsier has released her new album spittake and it is no joke! Recently making her debut in 2023, spittake is an album she describes as an ‘introduction to herself’ as an up-and-coming indie-rock artist. The album consists of 11 songs and was made in collaboration with Ryan McFadden, a fellow Nashville-based producer. A fun fact is that most of the titles are uncapitalized with no spaces to stay true to their original demo names!

Elsier’s haunting voice is a wonderful contrast to the electric guitar and drums that build up her sordid lyrics. If her sickeningly sweet melodies don’t make you feel melancholy, then her messages will. Most of her songs are a self-reflection of her poor thoughts and actions, usually with a partner in mind.

My personal favorite of the album is “forlyleinsanfransico”. In this song, Elsier rambles on about how she is the perfect fit for a guy (or girl) and vice versa. However, Elsier admits that she is only human and has flaws that may affect their potential relationship. My favorite verse is:

I’d be your good girl
But I do bad things
And I talk dirty
But I keep the house clean
And I’d be funny
But you’d be funnier
And I don’t mind it 
I like second seat

My take on the whole song is that Elsier’s self-hatred and selfishness is preventing her from committing to a healthy relationship. As a sad girl myself, her lyrics are very relatable!

A handful of her songs are accompanied by music videos, all viewable on Youtube. In her last song “LA”, she is depicted as a white angel on an empty black stage. Other angels identical to her appear and a confrontation ensues. The song is a musing of her life if she ever moved from Nashville to LA. Elsier acknowledges that she wouldn’t trust the lack of cold weather, the high living costs, or how emotionally distant the LA people are. According to her, the harshest reality to accept would be that there are many artists just like her, implying she would lose her authenticity and ultimately herself if she ever moved to LA. 

spittake can be listened to on all streaming platforms. You can also follow Elsier on social media. As for the rest of the year, Elsier is touring in her hometown Nashville Tennessee, and all along the East Coast– in Ontario & Montreal as well.

Alycia Edquilang