Refreshing indie pop duo Lime Cordiale just released their full-length album Enough of The Sweet Talk on July 26th. The LP comprises 13 songs separated by four “French Cue” interludes. After listening to the whole album, I couldn’t help but compare their music to The Wiggles, an Australian-based music group known for their iconic tunes. Sure enough, after doing some research, Lime Cordiale hails from Sydney, Australia, and gives off the same vibes as the aforementioned, but with a mature coming-of-age twist. 

The band is made up of brothers Louis and Oliver Leimbach, later joined by Brendan Champion on the trombone and James Jennings on the drums. The musicality of the album at its core is pop, with hints of indie rock shining through in the latter half of the album. The drums, electric guitar, and trombone make regular appearances throughout the album, with an electronic keyboard as a fun cameo added to a few of the songs. 

The first part of the album feels amazingly carefree and pays tribute to romantic relationships. “Pedestal” and “The Milk Man” are perfect songs to jam out to, so much so that they paint vivid pictures many can relate to, whether it be slow-dancing at prom or having a summer fling at the beach. I can already see myself listening to these songs while I’m getting ready for a special night out!

“The Facts of Life” is where the album breaks out into more of a self-reflective realm. In my opinion, the song encourages you to pay attention to your surroundings and enjoy the smaller things life has to offer: chewing gum, ice cream, the birds and bees. Alternatively, “The Facts of Life” could also imply the feeling of sexual release, as evocative hot-and-cool imagery is used throughout the song. The next piece “Enough of The Sweet Talk” is as literal as it can get. As a listener, you can’t help but empathize with the brothers. Leimbach states that talking with this person (I assume a romantic partner) is frustrating because they truly won’t listen to him; it’s all meaningless sweet talk. Even if they share the meaning of life or the world is ending and they need someone to rely on, he still wouldn’t talk to them– opting to be alone despite such drastic conditions. 

This brings me to my favorite piece of the entire album: “Happiness Season”. It’s a beautiful song wherein each lyric is punctuated by the drum’s beat and accentuated by an impressive trombone riff. Additionally, this piece really highlights the Leimbach brothers’ talents as tenor vocalists! My favorite part is the chorus:

She didn’t need me, I’ve been defeated, 
Oh that’s how it goes in happiness season
She didn’t need me, I’ve been defeated, 
Oh that’s how it goes, imagine her leaving, with happiness season~

“When I’m Losing It” is where the album takes a serious turn. In this song, Leimbach is, for lack of a better term, head-over-heels crazy about his lover. He admits he gets jealous easily and always loses his nonchalance when he’s around her. Accompanying this self-deprecating streak are “Imposter Syndrome” and “The Big Reveal; Ou L’Hypocrite”. Both songs reveal feelings of bittersweet inadequacy. Leimbach doesn’t see his own appeal and cannot accept a compliment for his life. Leimbach is hiding a big secret under his stardom and it’s the fact that he’s a hypocrite living with imposter syndrome. To be honest I can see many young adults of my generation (Gen Z) relating to these songs the most. At the end of the day, whether we hold mid- to senior-level positions or amass thousands of followers, at one point in our lives we’ve all experienced imposter syndrome. 

Another amazing song I would like to spotlight is “Country Club”. The lengthy trombone solo, reminiscent of New Orleans jazz, graciously allows listeners a moment to reflect on the message of the song. “Country Club” has an oddly psychedelic feel to it, with a catchy and hilarious chorus. This song narrates the life of a ‘nepo baby’ who cannot rely on their parent’s money anymore. Despite its advantages, having rich parents can actually be a disservice as the person in question doesn’t know how the real world works. Overall, it’s a great message anyone can take away from.

Ultimately, Enough of The Sweet Talk provides listeners with a wonderful range of life messages to learn from. In addition to love and heartbreak, the album touches upon the importance of self-reliance, staying humble, and the harm caused by your inner critic. These songs are going to be on repeat in my summer playlist and–dare I say– years to come!

Alycia Edquilang