Up-and-coming artist Libby Tisler just released (and by just, I mean literally today) her newest single, the pretty and poppy “Age of Reason”. This is the third single leading into the Nashville-based singer-songwriter’s debut EP, Hopping Dimensions, to be released September 27th. It follows two previous singles, “End of an Era” and “The Artist” respectively, with a fourth titled “Visine” to be released September 4th. Tisler, being such a new artist, has yet to fully define herself musically, but her previous songs have helped showcase what works with her voice. With producer Alex Bonyata (of the indie group The Young Something), her recent singles have showcased dreamy, atmospheric slices of indie-pop with 808 drum beats or stripped-down acoustic guitars. As a songwriter, Tisler exudes confidence and allows herself to be open to her audiences with personal lyrics and authentic emotions.

“Age of Reason” is a very good single, and maybe the best of the three released so far for Hopping Dimensions. It functions as a more straightforward, up-tempo indie-rock song that pops wonderfully and gives Libby a chance to be a more dynamic personality. Her singing has a good range of emotion, with a slight country or folk vibe in her inflection, and the background vocal harmonies add to an enjoyable and breezy pop song. The cover art for the single, depicting Tisler in a sea-green dress against a woodland environment drenched in soft sunlight, perfectly captures the aesthetics and feel of the song.

With Libby Tisler’s career being quite fresh and young, a strong single such as “Age of Reason” helps continue to spotlight her as a new talent to watch out for. “Age of Reason” is available now, along with “End of an Era” and “The Artist”, as teasers for her upcoming debut EP Hopping Dimensions coming September 27th.

Tyler Mandell