Modern pop outfit Kiss Bang is forever imprinted onto our minds as exceptionally fun convention/festival-goers. The duo took to the @imperfectfifth Instagram account during SXSW 2024 to give us a glimpse into their spring break fun. Not to mention the fact that they were attending SXSW as performers. (But really, do go on.)

We got to throw a few post-fest questions their way. Results below.

You approached strangers. You ran around. You tried to win things – and WON! What was your FAVORITE experience during your iF takeover? 

We really did do it all haha! I think the best part of doing this takeover was really getting to explore SXSW. It felt like we went straight from one show to the next so this really gave us the opportunity to check it out.

Was there another experience that exceeded expectations during your trip to SXSW 2024? 

We would say our last show at Hotel Vegas. It was the day of our EP release and performing to a packed out venue was the best feeling in the world.

Who was the best artist or act that you discovered (besides your damn selves) this year at SXSW? 

We would have to say Shannon and the Clams! We had a chance to stop by their set and we’re blown away. 

What was the best food you ate that week? (For real, always need suggestions.) 

Terry Black’s!!! It was on our bucket list before we got to Austin and did not disappoint.

Any highlight moments from your SXSW performances you’d like to share? 

One of our favorite moments was watching people who’d never heard us before singing along to our songs by the second chorus. With the EP only being out for a couple of weeks, it was incredible to see how quickly people were falling in love with this band.

What else would you like to share that’s coming down the stretch for Kiss Bang? 

More music and more shows!!! We are so excited for what’s coming up 🙂

Meredith Schneider