Self-proclaimed “dancy dream pop” New York-based quartet Fovea – comprised of Steve Shaw (bass, guitar, vocals), Max Weigel (guitar, vocals, keys, electronics), Jake Denicola (drums, vids, foley), and Halley Furlong-Mitchell (vocals, keys, violin) – just dropped one of the most tantalizing tracks we have ever set ears on. It begins in an ethereal sound space, and you feel like you’re in line for Space Mountain at Disneyland as the glittering robotic sounds slow down and make way for even more robotic vocals. What is perhaps so interesting about this track is that the vocals are lush, vibrant, and warm in their delivery, directly contrasting with the idea of detachment that often comes with the sound effects that have been poured into the track. As they repeat “How we gonna function?” we ask ourselves the same thing, allowing our minds to let loose under the cacophony of sound that splinters the track apart at the end.
Keep up with Fovea here.