(sxsw) sofa sessions: a conversation with bandits on the run

(sxsw) sofa sessions: a conversation with bandits on the run

Bandits on The Run. They’re so fun and just incredible speakers off the cuff that we decided to run this interview with no edits. (They will find this out when it is released. You’re welcome, my friends!) We talked bolo ties, cabin fever, and friendship!

  • 0:00    Intro
  • 0:24     Adrian Enscoe reads the name of the meeting out loud. “Bandits Interview – I love you” after having issues connecting to our interview, and some scheduling conflicts. (All good! It’s all good!)
  •             (BTW this interview is with Bandits On The Run. Other members are Sydney Shepherd and Regina Strayhorn.)
  • 1:40     Tell us about your recent Tiny Desk Session     
  • 4:17      What are you doing online right now to keep the community open and engaged?
  • 6:11       While everyone else is pillaging paper products, what one item would you buy the store out of if given the chance?
  • 7:26      Out of context of SXSW, this might be a little different… What’s the most statement-making piece of clothing you’re wearing right now?
  • 11:18     Anything else you’d like to share with us?

Imperfect Fifth Virtual Tip Jar

(sxsw) sofa sessions: a conversation with demitasse

(sxsw) sofa sessions: a conversation with demitasse

Erik Sanden of Demitasse talks about Skype dates, happy accidents, and missing his writing partner during social distancing. (Hi, Joe Reyes! You’re amazing!)

  • 0:00    Intro
  • 0:24    Erik Sanden (Demitasse)
  • 1:17     This isn’t your first rodeo together. How did you and Joe come up with the idea for this project?   
  • 3:06    Have you found that this time has inspired you more, or has it been more distracting for you?
  • 7:24     Are you and Joe doing OK being separated like this?    
  • 7:56    While everyone else is pillaging paper products, what one item would you buy the store out of if given the chance?
  • 9:04     Is there anything you’d like to share with the audience?

Imperfect Fifth Virtual Tip Jar

(sxsw) sofa sessions: a conversation with skylar gudasz

(sxsw) sofa sessions: a conversation with skylar gudasz

Skylar Gudasz blends two of her passions – cinema and music – into her art. She took some time to speak with us about staying creative right now, and all of her amazing new work!

  • 0:00    Intro
  • 0:25    Skylar Gudasz
  • 0:52    What are you most excited about with the release of your album?
  • 1:45     What’s been your favorite self quarantine activity?
  • 2:52     While everyone else is pillaging paper products, what one item would you buy the store out of if given the chance?
  • 3:23     On March 12th, Billboard premiered your music video for “Play Nice,” how excited were you for that?
  • 4:48.    Are you quarantined alone right now?
  • 6:04     Is there anything else you’d like to share with us?

Imperfect Fifth Virtual Tip Jar

(sxsw) sofa sessions: a conversation with donna blue

(sxsw) sofa sessions: a conversation with donna blue

We caught up with one half of talented duo Donna Blue as the band was getting through customs to head back home to The Netherlands. Heavily impacted by the cancellation of SXSW, they spent a few days in Austin after the announcement hit. They calmed our nerves, and we’re going to spend the rest of lockdown listening to their music.

  • 0:00    Intro
  • 0:26 – What are you up to today?
  • 0:46 – How do you feel about how the music community is responding in the wake of the SXSW cancellation?
  • 2:10 – What inspired you to jump into music?
  • 3:12 – What’s been your favorite venue to play so far?
  • 4:05 – Is there a specific venue you’ve dreamt of playing?
  • 4:52 – What are you planning on doing once you get home?

Imperfect Fifth Virtual Tip Jar

(sxsw) sofa sessions: a conversation with the hawtThorns

(sxsw) sofa sessions: a conversation with the hawtThorns

On Season 3, Episode 2 of The Imperfect Fifth Podcast | The Sofa Sessions, we chat with KP Hawthorn from The HawtThorns (partner duo with Johnny Hawthorn) about rearranging life right now and the incredible live performance opportunities online!

  • 0:00    Intro
  • 0:27 – How are you doing right now?
  • 2:14 – How are you utilizing social media to keep your community engaged?
  • 5:36 – What’s the most statement-making item of clothing or accessory you’re wearing right now?
  • 6:40 – What’s some music or some authors you’re going back to to keep yourself in a good headspace?
  • 10:12 – Is there anything else you’d like to share with the audience?

Imperfect Fifth Virtual Tip Jar

(sxsw) sofa sessions: a conversation with stephen clair

(sxsw) sofa sessions: a conversation with stephen clair

2020 was the first year Imperfect Fifth was accepted as an official press outlet for SXSW. Though two members of our team have been listed as press in the past — and we have attended and done extensive coverage even when we aren’t listed — this was a huge feat for Imperfect Fifth as a bootstraps music publication. But our reach is larger than we know. We are bringing new music to the forefront as best we can, especially in these times when people are turning to the arts for an escape, or peace of mind.

Though we can’t make things physically better at the moment, we did decide to move forward with our in-person interview format… but from our couches. Elizabeth Schneider — music journalist, writer, and DIY queen — came up with the name, and we’re sticking to it! So relax for a few minutes, and delve into the first episode of our quick-hitting third season of our podcast, The Sofa Sessions.


Stephen Clair is doing everything he can to stay involved in the music community during quarantine. During our first interview of what would have been our SXSW series, he talks Al Franken, social distancing, and Beacon Music Factory!

  • 0:00    Intro
  • 0:25 – Was there a moment or a specific memory when you realized that music was your path?
  • 1:23 – How did songwriting come to fruition?
  • 2:20 – You released “Mad” last December. Was there any specific inspiration behind the sentiment?
  • 3:50 – What are you doing to stay engaged with your community?
  • 5:15 – Are you an extrovert or an introvert?
  • 6:00 – While everyone else is pillaging paper products, what one item would you buy the store out of if given the chance?
  • 6:25 – Anything else you’d like to share?

Keep your eyes on the site for daily podcast releases in the coming weeks!