the ultimate stoner playlist

the ultimate stoner playlist

At Imperfect Fifth, we’re big fans of a wide variety of music, especially music that really sits with you, ruminates, and then becomes a part of your memory pattern. And we’re lucky here, too, because we’re inundated with up-and-coming artists on a daily basis, while trying to keep our fingers on the pulse of what’s up with some of our long-time favorites. So we like to focus on what enhances our memories, and what really makes us feel free and alive.

Good news! We teamed up with budding (ha!) women-led marijuana publication MJLifestyle to create a pretty beefy playlist to help you celebrate 4/20. Because – after all – is there a better way to enjoy some of your favorite tunes? So – whether you’re partaking in some herb today or not – sit back, relax, and enjoy some of these jams from hard, psychedelic insanity, to a more mild soundscape that might just make you feel like you are floating without any mood enhancers.

Keep up with MJLifestyle via Instagram.

**In collaboration with iF Editor Meredith Schneider